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In today’s corporate world; everyone wants to be the forerunner to achieve quick success by means of hard work; sometimes making his/her boss happy; wearing a plastic smile and showing him/herself always positive to score highest rating… Everything which is leading to just one single aim.. Which is nothing but Name, Fame and loads of money in short span of time.

Can Astrology/Numerology/color therapies help you to be a BLUE EYES BOY/GIRL in your boss eyes? My answer is YES.

Since boss is gifted; very few are lucky enough to choose their boss. One can follow the step by step process as below to check the compatibility and follow the remedies to bring cohesiveness.

  1. Compatibility check on life path number: If the life path number of boss and yourself are compatible (refer to below chart); it helps building a high level of repo with him/her.

Root /Luck Number | Numbers that produce easy compatibility or seem to be a natural fit.

1 1, 5, 7

2 2, 4, 8

3 3, 6, 9

4 2, 4, 8

5 1, 5, 7

6 3, 6, 9

7 1, 5, 7

8 2, 4, 8

9 3, 6, 9

Root /Luck Number | Numbers that are usually compatible and find it easy to get along.

1 3, 9

2 3, 6

3 1, 2, 5

4 6, 7

5 3, 9

6 2, 4, 8

7 4

8 6

9 1, 5

Root /Luck Number | Numbers that can go either way – or may be neutral

1 8

2 9

3 –

4 –

5 8

6 –

7 9

8 1, 5

9 2, 7

Root /Luck Number | Numbers that are often a bit of a challenge and require much compromise.

1 2, 4, 6

2 1, 5, 7

3 4, 7, 8

4 1, 3, 5, 9

5 2, 4, 6

6 1, 5, 7

7 2, 3, 6, 8

8 3, 7, 9

9 4, 8

When the life path numbers are not in harmony, some degree of compromise will be necessary for both individuals to maintain a comfort zone and sense of general happiness.

Remedies: Since the life path numbers are fixed for every one based on date of birth, make your life path number governing stars strong or weak by following gems/Rudraksha therapies/color therapies to bring cohesiveness. It will be different for every individual based on your and boss DOB, time of birth and place of birth.

  1. Matching of vowels of your boss name with your name number: If the sum of the vowels in your boss name matches with your name number; it shows a high degree of compatibility between both.
  2. Remedies: Name number should be aligned to your luck numbers in such a way that it matches to sum of vowels to your boss name.
  1. Rudraksha therapies: A combination of 2 four mukhi, 2 five mukhi, 1 ten mukhi and 1 thirteen mukhi in yellow/green thread helps bringing compatibility with boss, general wellbeing/ stimulate positive energy level, boosts/glorifies your image and reduces the negative impact /publicity /back biting done by so called corporate enemies.
  2. Chanting of Jaap: Chanting one mala of “OM HREEM NAMAH” and one mala of “OM DHRAM DHREEM DHROUM SAH SUKRAYA NAMAH” daily brings positivity/makes you loving and safeguard you from all ill publicity by your corporate enemies.

Best Wishes for Corporate success. Win laurels and be blessed by lord Kuber.