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As per our ancient science, if we align our body chakras, we can win over or safe guard ourselves with all diseases.
Rudraksha therapies help aligning various chakras and heal /cure the diseases and problems of life in this fast moving time.
Here is solution for common problems using Rudraksha combinations. The solutions are based on my study and self-experience; I have experienced myself the difference in my life after doing some of the Rudraksha therapies on myself.
Problem / Disease Name | Rudraksha Combination
Heart problem : 1 mukhi, 5 Mukhi, 10 Mukhi, 12 Mukhi.
TB (Tuberculosis) : 1 mukhi, 12 Mukhi, 16 Mukhi.
Lung related problems : 9 Mukhi, 12 Mukhi, 16 Mukhi.
Asthma : 1 mukhi, 4 Mukhi, 7 Mukhi, 12 Mukhi,
Cancer (Any part in body) : 3 Mukhi, 7 Mukhi, 8 Mukhi, 9 Mukhi, 10 Mukhi, 12 Mukhi, 14 Mukhi, 15 Mukhi.
Skin diseases : 8 Mukhi, 9 Mukhi, 10 Mukhi, 12 Mukhi, 15 Mukhi.
Sexual/Impotency problem : 2 Mukhi, 6 Mukhi, 7 Mukhi, 19 Mukhi and Gauri Shankar
Divorce issues : 6 Mukhi, 13 Mukhi, Gauri Shankar.
Night fall/ Premature ejaculation : 17 Mukhi.
Lack of concentration : 2 Mukhi, 4 Mukhi, 6 Mukhi and Ganesh
Insomnia : 5 Mukhi, 7 Mukhi.
Kidney/ Prostrate Problem : 6 Mukhi, 13 Mukhi.
Intestinal disorder/ Renal failure : 2 Mukhi, 13 Mukhi.
Paralysis : 1 mukhi, 4 Mukhi, 7 Mukhi, 12 Mukhi.
Bile & Lever Problem : 1 mukhi, 12 Mukhi.
Mental Anxiety / Memory loss : 1 mukhi, 4 mukhi, 6 Mukhi, 12 Mukhi, Ganesh
Stress : 2 Mukhi, 5 Mukhi, 8 Mukhi.
Anxiety/Mental chaos : 2 Mukhi, 8 Mukhi.
Bones related problem : 1 mukhi, 7 Mukhi, 12 Mukhi.
Bronchial Problems : 2 Mukhi.
Depression : 2 Mukhi, 11 Mukhi.
Negative thinking : 2 Mukhi, 11 Mukhi.
Eye Related Problems : 2 Mukhi, 6 Mukhi, 9 Mukhi.
Hysteria : 2 Mukhi.
Weakness : 3 mukhi, 10 mukhi, 11 Mukhi.
Inferiority complex : 3 mukhi, 11 Mukhi.
Laziness and excessive sleeping and Increases concentration : 3 mukhi, 4 Mukhi, 6 Mukhi, 11 Mukhi.
Psychosis or guilt induced complexes : 3 mukhi, 11 Mukhi.
Blood pressure : 3 mukhi, 5 Mukhi, 12 Mukhi, 19th Mukhi.
Disturbed menstrual cycle : 3 mukhi, 11 Mukhi.
Mood swings : 3 mukhi, 11 Mukhi.
Acute fever: 3 mukhi, 9 Mukhi.
Jaundice : 3 mukhi.
Mental disability/Illness : 3 mukhi, 4 Mukhi, 5 Mukhi, 10 Mukhi, 11 Mukhi.
Blood defect : 3 mukhi, 10 Mukhi.
Plague : 3 mukhi, 11 Mukhi.
Small pox : 3 mukhi.
Digestive problems/ Stomach disorders/ Constipation/ Gastric problems : 3 mukhi, 9 Mukhi, 8 Mukhi, 5 Mukhi, 12 Mukhi.
Spontaneous abortion/repeated miscarriage/ still births : 3 mukhi, 14 Mukhi, Garb Gauri, Ganesh, 15 Mukhi.
Ulcer : 3 mukhi, 11 Mukhi.
Cough : 4 Mukhi, 10 Mukhi.
Stammering : 4 Mukhi, 6 Mukhi
Respiratory tract problems : 4 Mukhi, 7 Mukhi.
Nervous disorders : 4 Mukhi, 10 Mukhi.
Spinal disorder : 19 Mukhi
Unwanted dreams : 4 Mukhi, 10 Mukhi, 14 Mukhi.
Piles : 5 Mukhi, 9 Mukhi.
Diabetics : 5 Mukhi, 19 Mukhi.
Obesity : 5 Mukhi, 9 Mukhi.
Tooth-ache : 2 Mukhi, 5 Mukhi.
Anger management : 5 Mukhi, 14 Mukhi.
Neurotic and mal adjustment problems : 5 Mukhi.
Epilepsy : 6 Mukhi, 11 Mukhi, 13 Mukhi.
Gynecological/Reproductive organs and urinary tract problems : 6 Mukhi, 13 Mukhi.
Pharyngitis : 7 Mukhi, 14 Mukhi
Foot related diseases : 7 Mukhi, 14 Mukhi
Long term / Unknown diseases : 7 Mukhi, 9 Mukhi, 11 Mukhi, 14 Mukhi, 15 Mukhi.
Evil power/ Black Magic/ Litigation/ Accidents/ Misfortunes/
Miseries/ Obstacles and enemies : 7 Mukhi, 8 Mukhi, 10 Mukhi, 14 Mukhi, 15 Mukhi.
Snake bite : 9 Mukhi, 14 Mukhi, 20 Mukhi
Body pain related problems : 9 Mukhi, 14 Mukhi
Hormonal imbalance : 10 Mukhi.
The Rudraksha beads combination needs to be worn in right color thread, right sequence, right size and right numbers of beads. For expert advice on the same and to procure the genuine beads, get in touch with Dia; dia@indiaeventspartner.com / +91-9717149032.
Note: Author Gauravv Mittal doesn’t claim the cure of above mentioned diseases using the above treatment only; under no situation / circumstances, any claim can be made against the author. You are here by advised to use the above suggestions along with any other medical treatment prescribed by medical practitioner.