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Moon in 1st House


With the Moon in the First House your feeling and instinctive nature will find expression through personal interests related to self-awareness and a search for true social identity. A healthy self-image and socially presentable physical appearance are important to your emotional confidence. Your day-to-day response to circumstance is strongly conditioned by emotional factors, lack of direction, moodiness, over-sensitivity and changeability are the dangers.


Moon in 2nd House


With the Moon in the Second House your feeling and instinctive nature will find expression through an innate emotional drive for financial and domestic security. Your feeling of general well being is strongly dependent on material comforts, a stable home life and material possessions. Your day to day response to circumstance is strongly conditioned by practical financial considerations.


Moon in 4th House


With the Moon in the Fourth House your feeling and instinctive nature will find expression mainly through your family and home environment. Your day to day response to circumstance is strongly conditioned by family relationships and domestic issues. To feel emotionally secure you need a meaningful and secure home life.


Moon in 5th House


With the Moon in the Fifth House your feeling and instinctive nature will find expression through amusements, sport, recreations, love affairs, children and creative activities in the home. Your day to day response to circumstance is strongly conditioned by ego stimulation and your personal emotional identification with events. A feeling of well-being is often dependent on your current romantic attachment and the little daily pleasures that you consider important. Enjoying a flutter on the horses or stock market keeps life interesting, however, beware of impulsive gambling.


Moon in 6th House


With the Moon in the Sixth House your feeling and instinctive nature will find expression in work or service to the family or local community. Your day-to-day response to circumstance is strongly conditioned by health issues and your general emotional well being. You have a very sensitive nature and are easily hurt, therefore, care is required in this area because strong negative emotions will have a detrimental effect upon your health and general ability to cope with the demands of daily living. You will feel a sense of security by emotionally identifying with your work or career.


Moon in 7th House


With the Moon in the Seventh House your feeling, instinctive nature will find expression through marriage or other close relationships. Your day-to-day response to circumstance is strongly conditioned by social and domestic factors – friends, colleagues, family and especially your romantic partner. You may marry early in order to satisfy an inherent need for friendship and close companionship, domestic and emotional security is of paramount importance. General emotional well-being is strongly dependent on your current social life, and in particular, how well close relationships are progressing.


Moon in 8th House


With the Moon in the Eighth House your feeling, instinctive nature will find expression through intense emotional involvement with the other sex and by enjoying the good things of life generally. Your day-to-day response to circumstance is strongly conditioned by the emotional state of play relating to romance, money, business and social life. High sensitivity gives a possible psychic nature and some interest in occult subjects – death and afterlife issues in particular. An intuitive business sense is another possibility.


Moon in 9th House


With the Moon in the Ninth House your feeling and instinctive nature will find expression through some form of emotional attachment to social, ethical or religious values. You have an inherent need to expand your life through travel, study, philosophy and the search for metaphysical truths. Practical knowledge is often obtained through dreams or meditation. Your day-to-day response to circumstance is strongly conditioned by spiritual or ethical values.


Moon in 10th House


With the Moon in the Tenth House your feeling, instinctive nature will find expression through a strong emotional commitment to public and professional life. Your day-to-day response to circumstance is strongly conditioned by a practical, unemotional and common-sense approach to events. General well-being is dependent, largely, on material success and financial security.


Moon in 11th House


With the Moon in the Eleventh House your feeling and instinctive nature will find expression through emotional involvement with group activities, friends, clubs, societies or associations. Your day-to-day response to circumstance is strongly conditioned by current friendships and social commitment. Companionship and group activities are important for your general emotional well-being.


Sun in 1st House


With the Sun’s energy in the First House, your personality drive will find expression mainly through personal issues related to self-image, physical appearance and personal interests. You are required to acquire knowledge of self in order to sustain a true sense of identity, purpose and destiny. Strong will-power and self-assurance add strength to your personality. Very brave, positive and competitive, you develop natural leadership qualities. Your enterprising nature, with a capability for seizing opportunities is another factor for success and obstacles are overcome by sheer physical courage. You are to become self-determined and self-sufficient, carving your own path in life. Your enthusiasm for life may manifest as robust health and vitality. There may be some tendency to pride and insolence at times.


Sun in 3rd House


With the Sun’s energy in the Third House, your personality drive is directed mainly into intellectual pursuits and educational progress. Travel and communication of all kinds will appeal to you. This position requires that you to expend much energy in understanding and adapting to your immediate environment. Friends, neighbors, co-workers, brothers and sisters will play an important role in your life.


Sun in 6th House


With the Sun’s energy in the Sixth House, your vital forces may be drawn into some form of service that will bring deep personal satisfaction. Hard work and challenging situations are certainly indicated, probably within the work environment itself. You seek perfection and distinction in your work, and this quality could bring you well paid responsible positions. Crisis situations will develop, but you meet these with steady determination. The Sun in this house also indicates a need to overcome some weakness. Often this relates to health matters.


Sun in 12th House


With the Sun in the Twelfth House, your energy will mainly be applied to personal and private affairs. This may give you a shy, reserved, introspective disposition. There is a tendency to seek a secluded, peaceful, quiet life-style. The real drive is one of coming to terms with the subconscious mind and achieving mental and emotional well-being. Subjects such as mysticism, psychic research and depth psychology will appeal. A desire for useful service to the community may be fulfilled through work in hospitals, churches, or institutions of learning, professions such as psychology; art and literature are other possibilities. At some stage of your life, you may have to overcome some form of physiological, social, or psychological crisis.