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Did you know that each alphabet of your name has a certain value? Study of numbers is known as numerology. Like Astrology, numerology too works on the principal of the impact that the planets have on human lives. When name or anything is corrected according to numerology, it invokes vibrations that brings prosperity & success to the person.

MahhaGuru’s focus is more on improving the Human life challenges and problems from holistic perspective by making the person to become highly positive by aligning his/her karmic energies to universe rather than giving just quick remedies whose impact don’t last for long. MahhaGuru believes that once the person is positive, the tasks done by him yield fruitful results. MahhaGuru’s suggested remedies are a combination of Vedic Astrology and Lal Kitab backed up by Numerology.

Transform Your Life with Numerology

Name correction, business name, match making, life number, luck number etc

Read all Articles On Numerology

Pairing as per Numerology

4 and 9: These two are so very different that successful pairings are rare. The 9 is far more social and fosters deep humanitarian instincts. The 4 is focused on the basics of building a secure and solid immediate world. To succeed in a relationship requires both to...

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